City of San Rafael

The City of San Rafael contacted Facilities by Design for some assistance with finish selections within their City Hall and Police Department. Facilities by Design was able to transform and modernize the City Hall lobby by updating their reception area and defining the City Seal by engraving it within the newly stained concrete floors. Downstairs in the Police Department we worked closely with faculty to establish a cohesive environment that was fresh and up to date. We were able to completely remodel their bathrooms and update their locker rooms for a sleeker design. The project proved to be extremely successful and brought new life to the space.

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San Rafael, CA

Paula's Project Thoughts...

This project was both fun and challenging – We were able to completely change the feel of the space with new furniture and finish selections. We worked effectively to overcome scheduling conflicts and work within timelines to ensure that the faculty could get back into their space as timely as possible.

Paula Stabler

Principle, Facilities By Design