Charter Oak Bank

Working with the existing architect, Facilities by Design developed office space layouts that brought together the vision of CEO and architect to increase productivity. From overseeing furniture selection, to AutoCAD plans of the final layout including power locations and dimensions, every detail was considered. Facilities by Design sourced and specified all interior furnishings for this new construction Bank working with M2 Studio Architects to meet the clients needs on time and on budget. Two locations were completed St. Helena and Napa.

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St. Helena, CA and Napa, CA

Project Facts

Paula worked with the already selected architect to determine how to best utilize the office space.

Paula's Project Thoughts...

The architect had a vision, the CEO had a vision, and they didn't always mesh well. Helping to translate between the two worlds was the most rewarding aspect of this project. In the end the outcome was a great solution, a unique combination of both visions.

Paula Stabler

Principle, Facilities By Design