Catstudio in Petaluma, California is led by a married design team, Carmel and Terrell Swan. The studio, whose name is a nod to the couple’s initials CAT, is known for its hand drawn, hand embroidered maps, which are featured on decorative pillows and towels.
After a fire damaged Catstudio’s back office and destroyed most of the interior, the Swans called Facilities by Design. The insurance company had agreed to pay for the replacement of furniture and finishes as part of the insurance claim.
The Swans had originally designed the interior themselves, adding a patchwork of projects over the years. However, they realized that the fire had left them with a blank slate, and an opportunity to set a new standard for their company. The Swans knew they needed a professional to develop and manage a space planning strategy and obtain new furniture that would become their company standards.
They found a furniture vendor who offered a furniture line they liked but lacked confidence in the recommended implementation of the plan. Rather than forgoing the furniture they loved, they hired Facilities by Design to manage the project and act as their representative.
Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT)
Upon getting a grant for an office expansion the Marin Agricultural Land Trust enlisted the help of Facilities By Design to